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We have already some of the most common doubts and the answers for them regarding the Homeopathy treatment and medicines. Let us now see some more common doubts regarding some Homeopathy treatments for some diseases and problems.

  • Is there no treatment for cancer in Homeopathy as it does not involve any procedures like chemotherapy and radiation?

Though it is a common notion among people that Homeopathy could not treat cancer because it does not involve the above mentioned procedures, there are very large number of cancer cases cured by Homeopathy. The way Homeopathy treats cancer is by identifying the root of the problem and treating accordingly.

  • There is no other way to cure infections other than through antibiotics?

Antibiotics only suppress the infection symptoms. They do not have the ability to identify the cause of the problem. This may lead to some effects that include indigestion, nausea, and even the reappearance of the infection after some time depending on the resistance power of the patient. But with Homeopathy, there are no such kinds of problems. It identifies the root of the infection and cures the problem completely.

  • Homeopathy medicines are just Sugar Pills, Aren’t they?

This is entirely false. These are the medicines that take the shape of the sugar pills but a single Homeopathy medicine pill would constitute around 3000 ingredients. Depending on the type of the disease, a Homeopathy drug is prepared with the right amount of ingredients necessary which is later coated with sugar and flour products.

  • Is Homeopathy harmful for Diabetic patients?

The sweetness that is observed in Homeopathy medicine is because of the ingredient “Lactose”. This is totally different from Glucose which is not at all used in the Homeopathy preparation. Lactose contains very less amount of sugar levels and hence it does not have any effect on the sugar levels in the blood. Homeopathy has the ability to make the pancreas produce the Insulin that is used in regulating sugar levels in the body.

  • Foods with Onion or Garlic content, drinks like tea and coffee should not be taken in during the course of Homeopathy medication?

Patients who are taking the Homeopathy medication should not be taking any foods 15 minutes before and after taking the drug. But there is no such rule that the above mentioned food should not be taken at all during the course. There might be some cases that would require leaving out some foods depending on the intensity of the disease.

  • Will a disease be identified without performing any tests in Homeopathy?

Usually in Homeopathy, a disease will be identified from the symptoms described by the patient. There is no need to perform an examination for every small problem. But in some cases, depending on the intensity of the disease, some tests will be performed.